The numbers appearing over body parts indicate the percentage chance of scoring a hot with each individual shot at that particular moment. Each pull of the right trigger commits you to a single attack at that body part. Using one thumbstick, you can toggle between body parts on a targeted enemy. Shooting in FPS mode does not expend AP, so it's completely ok (and often advisable) to continue to engage enemies in free-form combat while you recover enough AP to continue attacking in VATS. while on the move.Īction Points regenerate slowly after use. Action Points are displayed on a meter in the bottom-right corner of the screen.Īction Points are also expended by sprinting, so be careful about using V.A.T.S. costs a certain number of Action Points (AP) once executed. FALLOUT 4 PIP-BOY EDITION COMPATIBILITY Did you purchase the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition for your favorite game system? Make sure to snap in your phone device for the complete Pip-Boy experience.Each action in V.A.T.S. MADE JUST FOR YOU Designed for both new Vault Dwellers and those already familiar with the dangers of the Wasteland. MINI GAME MANIA Thanks to revolutionary advances in emulation technology, you can now play holotape games on your Pip-Boy. Check your Stats, Inventory, Map, Radio and even play your holotape games all from the convenience of your Pip-Boy application. SYNCRONIZED TO YOUR TERMINAL Improve your life by integrating completely with Fallout 4. Pip-Boy will remember your status and allow you to access your data while on the go. CREATING AN ELECTRONIC BOND This app lets your portable device interact with Fallout 4 on your Xbox One, PlayStation 4 or PC.

From Vault-Tec and RobCo Industries comes the Pip-Boy: America's finest, easiest-to-use personal information processor.